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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgment String The University of Maine Ocean Observing System (UMOOS) is funded in part through NERACOOS and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a Regional Association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). UMOOS is coordinated by the University of Maine's Physical Oceanography Group (PhOG).
attribute NC_GLOBAL breakout_id int 7
attribute NC_GLOBAL buffer_type String waves
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String station, longitude, latitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL clock_time String Center of period
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String University of Maine, Physical Oceanography Group
attribute NC_GLOBAL contact String um_phog_dmac at
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_email String,
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String NERACOOS,Gulf of Maine Research Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String funder,distributor
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role_vocabulary String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_url String, (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.8,ACDD-1.3,IOOS-1.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_address String 101 MacKay Lab
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_city String Orono
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_country String USA
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String um_phog_dmac at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_institution String University of Maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String UMaine/Physical Oceanography Group
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_phone String 207-581-4379
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_postalcode String 04469
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_sector String academic
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_state String Maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2004-03-21T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_issued String 2004-03-21T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_metadata_modified String 2024-10-04T19:46:45Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2004-03-21T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL delta_t int 30
attribute NC_GLOBAL depth_datum String Sea Level
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -70.4265
attribute NC_GLOBAL ending_time double 1.0798812E9
attribute NC_GLOBAL ending_time_string String 2004-03-21T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds String POINT (-70.4278 43.1807)
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_crs String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs String EPSG:5831
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 43.1858
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 43.1793
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution String 0.01 degrees
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -70.4265
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -70.4293
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution String 0.001 degrees
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution String 0.5 meter
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_inverse_flattening double 298.257223563
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_long_name String coordinate_reference_system
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_longitude_of_prime_meridian double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_semi_major_axis double 6378137.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL gts_ingest String true
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Physical Oceanography Group, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Gauges > WAVE HEIGHT GAUGES
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_number int 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Instrument Keywords Version 8.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL ioos_ingest String true
attribute NC_GLOBAL julian_day_convention String Julian date convention begins at 00:00:00 UTC on 17 November 1858 AD
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant_Wave_Height, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave_Period
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Science Keywords Version 8.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL last_modified String 2004-03-21T15:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data Contributor, University of Maine, IOOS, NOAA, State of Maine nor the United States Government, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL magnetic_variation double -16.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_link String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL mooring_history String 2003-10-10T19:46Z Redeployed by R/V Connecticut
2004-01-01T01:00Z (s/n=ALL) Goes transmitter failed (leap year problem with Seimac transmitter)
2004-03-02T08:00Z (optics_s) Data from 3m surface optics package becoming intermittent.
2004-03-14T07:00Z (aanderaa) (s/n=AANCM689) Last data received from 2m surface current meter.
2004-03-21T15:30Z Recovered by R/V Argo Maine.
attribute NC_GLOBAL mooring_site_desc String East of Cape Neddick
attribute NC_GLOBAL mooring_site_id String B0105
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String edu.maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL ncei_template_version String NCEI_NetCDF_TimeSeries_Orthogonal_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL nco_openmp_thread_number int 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 43.1858
attribute NC_GLOBAL number_observations_per_hour int 2
attribute NC_GLOBAL operator_sector String academic
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String station
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_id String B01
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_name String B01 - Western Maine Shelf
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL position_datum String WGS 84
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator String Dr. Neal R. Pettigrew
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_email String nealp at
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_institution String University of Maine, School of Marine Sciences
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing String merged
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String Realtime preliminary QC
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String UMO5.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String Integrated Ocean Observing System
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String GoMOOS
attribute NC_GLOBAL project_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_address String 195 New Hampshire Ave Suite 240
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_city String Portsmouth
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_country String USA
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String um_phog_dmac at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_institution String University of Maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Bob Fleming
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_phone String 207-581-4379
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_postalcode String 03801
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_state String New Hampshire
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sea_name String Gulf of Maine
attribute NC_GLOBAL site_id String B01
attribute NC_GLOBAL site_latitude double 43.1807
attribute NC_GLOBAL site_longitude double -70.4278
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Ocean Data Acquisition Systems (ODAS) Buoy
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 43.1793
attribute NC_GLOBAL sponsor String NOAA
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v72
attribute NC_GLOBAL starting_time double 1.065816E9
attribute NC_GLOBAL starting_time_string String 2003-10-10T20:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL station_photo_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL station_type String Surface Mooring
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String University of Maine real-time buoy observations in the Gulf of Maine at NERACOOS site B01 - Western Maine Shelf, located at 43d 10.842m N, 70d 25.668m W East of Cape Neddick. GoMOOS buoy B0105 was deployed from 2003-10-10 19:46:00 until 2004-03-21 15:30:00 UTC. Sea surface wave measurements of significant wave height and dominant wave period are estimated from vertical accelerations measured hourly by a 3-axis accelerometer onboard the buoy.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_duration String P162DT18H59M60.00S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2024-10-18T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT30M
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2002-10-02T21:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_deployed String 2003-10-10T19:46Zs
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_recovered String 2004-03-21T15:30Zs
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_zone String UTC
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String B01 Directional Waves (in-development)
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String b01f9895-c13c-45ec-a461-bb0a0eae9565
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -70.4293
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_platform_code String 44030
variable station   String  
attribute station cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute station ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station long_name String Station B01
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.0335924E9, 1.7292528E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time comment String Coordinate variable, nominal time of observation
attribute time epic_code int 624
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time short_name String time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time standard_name_url String
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time valid_range double 0.0, 2.147483647E9
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float -70.4293, -70.4265
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude comment String Coordinate variable
attribute longitude echo double -70.4278
attribute longitude epic_code int 502
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude in decimal degrees east
attribute longitude modulo double 360.0
attribute longitude short_name String lon
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude standard_name_url String
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_range float -180.0, 180.0
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 43.1793, 43.1858
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude comment String Coordinate variable
attribute latitude echo double 43.1807
attribute latitude epic_code int 500
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude in decimal degrees north
attribute latitude short_name String lat
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude standard_name_url String
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_range float -90.0, 90.0
variable depth   double  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth comment String Coordinate variable
attribute depth echo double 0.0
attribute depth epic_code int 3
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth short_name String D
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth standard_name_url String
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_range double -15.0, 15.0
variable deployment   String  
attribute deployment comment String Deployment refers to a specific mooring deployed at a station (site location)
attribute deployment goes_platform_id String 04400554
attribute deployment ioos_category String identifier
attribute deployment long_name String B0105: Western Maine Shelf
attribute deployment mooring_id String B0105
attribute deployment mooring_type String Slack
attribute deployment platform_photo_url String (external link)
attribute deployment short_name String plat
attribute deployment uscg_light_list String B
attribute deployment uscg_light_list_number String 113
attribute deployment watch_circle_radius int 45
attribute deployment water_depth double 62.0
variable significant_wave_height   float  
attribute significant_wave_height _FillValue float -999.0
attribute significant_wave_height accuracy double 0.5
attribute significant_wave_height actual_range float 0.016, 9.75
attribute significant_wave_height ancillary_variables String significant_wave_height_qc significant_wave_height_qc_agg significant_wave_height_qc_tests data_source
attribute significant_wave_height cell_methods String time: point lon: point lat: point depth: point
attribute significant_wave_height comment String Significant wave height
attribute significant_wave_height computed_by String shore
attribute significant_wave_height coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute significant_wave_height coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute significant_wave_height epic_code int 4061
attribute significant_wave_height grid_mapping String crs
attribute significant_wave_height gts_ingest String true
attribute significant_wave_height instrument String wave_source
attribute significant_wave_height instrument_range double 0.0, 25.0
attribute significant_wave_height ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute significant_wave_height is_dead double 0.0
attribute significant_wave_height is_off_station double 0.0
attribute significant_wave_height long_name String Significant Wave Height
attribute significant_wave_height missing_value float -999.0
attribute significant_wave_height ncei_name String WAVE HEIGHT - SIGNIFICANT
attribute significant_wave_height platform String station
attribute significant_wave_height references String (external link)
attribute significant_wave_height resolution double 0.1
attribute significant_wave_height short_name String SWH
attribute significant_wave_height source String buoy well observation
attribute significant_wave_height standard_name String sea_surface_wave_significant_height
attribute significant_wave_height standard_name_url String
attribute significant_wave_height units String m
attribute significant_wave_height valid_range float 0.0, 20.0
variable dominant_wave_period   float  
attribute dominant_wave_period _FillValue float -999.0
attribute dominant_wave_period accuracy double 1.0
attribute dominant_wave_period actual_range float 0.16, 20.5
attribute dominant_wave_period ancillary_variables String dominant_wave_period_qc dominant_wave_period_qc_agg dominant_wave_period_qc_tests data_source
attribute dominant_wave_period cell_methods String time: point lon: point lat: point depth: point
attribute dominant_wave_period comment String Determined from the frequency bin with the maximum spectral amplitude
attribute dominant_wave_period computed_by String shore
attribute dominant_wave_period coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute dominant_wave_period coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute dominant_wave_period epic_code int 4063
attribute dominant_wave_period grid_mapping String crs
attribute dominant_wave_period gts_ingest String true
attribute dominant_wave_period instrument String wave_source
attribute dominant_wave_period instrument_range double 0.0, 32.0
attribute dominant_wave_period ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute dominant_wave_period is_dead double 0.0
attribute dominant_wave_period is_off_station double 0.0
attribute dominant_wave_period long_name String Dominant Wave Period
attribute dominant_wave_period missing_value float -999.0
attribute dominant_wave_period ncei_name String WAVE PERIOD - DOMINANT
attribute dominant_wave_period platform String station
attribute dominant_wave_period references String (external link)
attribute dominant_wave_period resolution double 0.5
attribute dominant_wave_period short_name String DWP
attribute dominant_wave_period source String buoy well observation
attribute dominant_wave_period standard_name String sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum
attribute dominant_wave_period standard_name_url String
attribute dominant_wave_period units String s
attribute dominant_wave_period valid_range float 0.0, 21.0
variable max_wave_height   float  
attribute max_wave_height _FillValue float -999.0
attribute max_wave_height accuracy double 0.5
attribute max_wave_height ancillary_variables String max_wave_height_qc max_wave_height_qc_agg max_wave_height_qc_tests data_source
attribute max_wave_height cell_methods String time: point lon: point lat: point depth: point
attribute max_wave_height comment String Maximum wave height
attribute max_wave_height computed_by String instrument
attribute max_wave_height coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute max_wave_height coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute max_wave_height epic_code int 4064
attribute max_wave_height grid_mapping String crs
attribute max_wave_height gts_ingest String true
attribute max_wave_height instrument String instrument_1
attribute max_wave_height instrument_range double 0.0, 25.0
attribute max_wave_height ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute max_wave_height is_dead double 0.0
attribute max_wave_height is_off_station double 0.0
attribute max_wave_height long_name String Maximum Wave Height
attribute max_wave_height missing_value float -999.0
attribute max_wave_height ncei_name String WAVE HEIGHT - MAXIMUM
attribute max_wave_height platform String station
attribute max_wave_height references String wave_source
attribute max_wave_height resolution double 0.1
attribute max_wave_height short_name String MWH
attribute max_wave_height source String buoy well observation
attribute max_wave_height standard_name String sea_surface_wave_maximum_height
attribute max_wave_height standard_name_url String (external link)
attribute max_wave_height units String m
attribute max_wave_height valid_range float 0.0, 20.0
variable mean_wave_direction   float  
attribute mean_wave_direction _FillValue float -999.0
attribute mean_wave_direction accuracy double 5.0
attribute mean_wave_direction actual_range float 0.11, 359.94
attribute mean_wave_direction ancillary_variables String mean_wave_direction_qc mean_wave_direction_qc_agg mean_wave_direction_qc_tests data_source
attribute mean_wave_direction cell_methods String time: point lon: point lat: point depth: point
attribute mean_wave_direction comment String Mean wave direction; corrected to true north using global attribute magnetic_variation
attribute mean_wave_direction computed_by String instrument
attribute mean_wave_direction coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute mean_wave_direction epic_code int 4062
attribute mean_wave_direction grid_mapping String crs
attribute mean_wave_direction gts_ingest String true
attribute mean_wave_direction instrument String instrument_1
attribute mean_wave_direction instrument_range double 0.0, 360.0
attribute mean_wave_direction ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute mean_wave_direction is_dead double 0.0
attribute mean_wave_direction is_off_station double 0.0
attribute mean_wave_direction long_name String Mean Wave Direction
attribute mean_wave_direction missing_value float -999.0
attribute mean_wave_direction ncei_name String WAVE DIRECTION - AVERAGE
attribute mean_wave_direction platform String station
attribute mean_wave_direction references String wave_source
attribute mean_wave_direction resolution double 0.1
attribute mean_wave_direction short_name String MWD
attribute mean_wave_direction source String buoy well observation
attribute mean_wave_direction standard_name String sea_surface_wave_from_direction
attribute mean_wave_direction standard_name_url String (external link)
attribute mean_wave_direction units String degree
attribute mean_wave_direction valid_range float 0.0, 360.0
variable mean_wave_direction_spread   float  
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread _FillValue float -999.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread accuracy double 5.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread ancillary_variables String mean_wave_direction_spread_qc mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests data_source
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread cell_methods String time: point lon: point lat: point depth: point
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread comment String Mean wave direction spreading
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread computed_by String instrument
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread grid_mapping String crs
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread instrument String instrument_1
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread instrument_range double 0.0, 360.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread is_dead double 0.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread is_off_station double 0.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread long_name String Mean Wave Direction Spreading
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread missing_value float -999.0
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread ncei_name String WAVE DIRECTION - SPREAD
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread platform String station
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread references String wave_source
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread resolution double 0.1
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread short_name String MWDS
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread source String buoy well observation
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread standard_name String sea_surface_wave_directional_spread_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread standard_name_url String (external link)
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread units String 1
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread valid_range float 0.0, 360.0
variable wave_source   byte  
attribute wave_source _FillValue byte -127
attribute wave_source actual_range byte 1, 3
attribute wave_source comment String Value of 1 indicates instrument_1 was used; value of 2 indicates instrument_2 was used; value of 3 indicates instrument_3 was used
attribute wave_source coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute wave_source coverage_content_type String auxiliaryInformation
attribute wave_source intent String data_source
attribute wave_source ioos_category String surface_waves
attribute wave_source long_name String Wave_Source
attribute wave_source missing_value byte -127
attribute wave_source short_name String wasrc
attribute wave_source units String 1
attribute wave_source valid_range byte 1, 5
variable actual_time   double  
attribute actual_time actual_range double 1.0335924E9, 1.729251701E9
attribute actual_time calendar String gregorian
attribute actual_time comment String auxiliary coordinate variable, may differ slightly from regularly spaced nominal time
attribute actual_time epic_code int 624
attribute actual_time ioos_category String Time
attribute actual_time long_name String Actual time of observation
attribute actual_time short_name String AC_TIME
attribute actual_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute actual_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute actual_time valid_range double 0.0, 2.147483647E9
variable time_modified   double  
attribute time_modified actual_range double 1.728070991E9, 1.729236848E9
attribute time_modified calendar String julian
attribute time_modified comment String time of last update to record
attribute time_modified ioos_category String Time
attribute time_modified long_name String Time Record Last Modified
attribute time_modified short_name String time_mod
attribute time_modified time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time_modified units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time_modified valid_range double 0.0, 2.147483647E9
variable crs   double  
attribute crs actual_range double 9.969209968386869E36, 9.969209968386869E36
attribute crs epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute crs grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute crs inverse_flattening double 298.257223563
attribute crs long_name String coordinate_reference_system
attribute crs longitude_of_prime_meridian double 0.0
attribute crs semi_major_axis double 6378137.0
variable data_source   byte  
attribute data_source _FillValue byte -128
attribute data_source actual_range byte 20, 30
attribute data_source flag_meanings String missing goes_realtime realtime post-recovery post-calibration
attribute data_source flag_values byte 0, 10, 20, 30, 40
attribute data_source long_name String Source of data for each record
attribute data_source missing_value byte -128
attribute data_source short_name String DATASRC
attribute data_source units String 1
attribute data_source valid_range byte 0, 100
variable instrument_1   byte  
attribute instrument_1 actual_range byte -127, -127
attribute instrument_1 averaging_period double 17.07
attribute instrument_1 averaging_period_units String minutes
attribute instrument_1 clock_time String Center of period
attribute instrument_1 comment String Wave variables computed from one axis of Summit Accelerometer
attribute instrument_1 component String WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,Summit,SUMAC0902A01107
attribute instrument_1 id String urn:ioos:sensor:edu.maine.umeoce:B0105:WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,Summit,SUMAC0902A01107
attribute instrument_1 ioos_category String identifier
attribute instrument_1 long_name String Linear 3-axis Accelerometer
attribute instrument_1 make_model String Summit,34203A
attribute instrument_1 manufacturer String Summit
attribute instrument_1 model String 34203A
attribute instrument_1 number_samples_per_observation int 2048
attribute instrument_1 references String (external link)
attribute instrument_1 serial_number String SUMAC0902A01107
attribute instrument_1 short_name String ACC
variable instrument_2   byte  
attribute instrument_2 actual_range byte -127, -127
attribute instrument_2 averaging_period int 20
attribute instrument_2 averaging_period_units String minutes
attribute instrument_2 clock_time String Center of period
attribute instrument_2 comment String Wave variables computed by AXYS instrument
attribute instrument_2 component String WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,B0105,,
attribute instrument_2 id String urn:ioos:sensor:edu.maine.umeoce:WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,,
attribute instrument_2 ioos_category String identifier
attribute instrument_2 long_name String Directional Wave Sensor
attribute instrument_2 make_model String ,
attribute instrument_2 number_samples_per_observation int 4800
attribute instrument_2 references String (external link)
attribute instrument_2 short_name String TRIAX
variable instrument_3   byte  
attribute instrument_3 actual_range byte -127, -127
attribute instrument_3 averaging_period int 20
attribute instrument_3 averaging_period_units String minutes
attribute instrument_3 clock_time String Center of period
attribute instrument_3 comment String Wave variables computed by instrument
attribute instrument_3 component String WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,,
attribute instrument_3 id String urn:ioos:sensor:edu.maine.umeoce:B0105:WAVE_HEIGHT_GAUGES,,
attribute instrument_3 ioos_category String identifier
attribute instrument_3 long_name String Directional Wave Sensor
attribute instrument_3 make_model String ,
attribute instrument_3 number_samples_per_observation int 2048
attribute instrument_3 references String (external link)
attribute instrument_3 short_name String UMODWM
variable significant_wave_height_qc   byte  
attribute significant_wave_height_qc _FillValue byte -128
attribute significant_wave_height_qc actual_range byte 0, 99
attribute significant_wave_height_qc comment String original QC status_flag
attribute significant_wave_height_qc coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute significant_wave_height_qc flag_meanings String quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional algorithm_failure_no_infl_pt off_station manually_flagged
attribute significant_wave_height_qc flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 60, 99
attribute significant_wave_height_qc intent String data_quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc ioos_category String quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc long_name String Significant Wave Height QC
attribute significant_wave_height_qc missing_value byte -128
attribute significant_wave_height_qc short_name String SWHQC
attribute significant_wave_height_qc standard_name String sea_surface_wave_significant_height status_flag
attribute significant_wave_height_qc valid_range byte -127, 127
variable significant_wave_height_qc_agg   byte  
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg _FillValue byte -128
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg actual_range byte 1, 9
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg comment String QARTOD QC flag
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg intent String data_quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg ioos_category String quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg long_name String significant_wave_height QARTOD Aggregate Flag
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg missing_value byte -128
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg references String (external link)
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg short_name String SWHQAG
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_agg standard_name String aggregate_quality_flag
variable dominant_wave_period_qc   byte  
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc _FillValue byte -128
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc actual_range byte 0, 99
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc comment String original QC status_flag
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc flag_meanings String quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional algorithm_failure_no_inflection_pt off_station manually_flagged
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 60, 99
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc intent String data_quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc ioos_category String quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc long_name String Dominant Wave Period QC
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc missing_value byte -128
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc short_name String DWPQC
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc standard_name String sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum status_flag
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc valid_range byte -127, 127
variable dominant_wave_period_qc_agg   byte  
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg _FillValue byte -128
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg actual_range byte 1, 9
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg comment String QARTOD QC flag
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg intent String data_quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg ioos_category String quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg long_name String dominant_wave_period QARTOD Aggregate Flag
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg missing_value byte -128
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg references String (external link)
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg short_name String DWPQAG
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_agg standard_name String aggregate_quality_flag
variable max_wave_height_qc   byte  
attribute max_wave_height_qc _FillValue byte -128
attribute max_wave_height_qc comment String original QC status_flag
attribute max_wave_height_qc coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute max_wave_height_qc flag_meanings String quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional off_station manually_flagged
attribute max_wave_height_qc flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 60, 99
attribute max_wave_height_qc intent String data_quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc ioos_category String quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc long_name String Maximum Wave Height QC
attribute max_wave_height_qc missing_value byte -128
attribute max_wave_height_qc short_name String MWHQC
attribute max_wave_height_qc standard_name String sea_surface_wave_maximum_height status_flag
attribute max_wave_height_qc valid_range byte -127, 127
variable max_wave_height_qc_agg   byte  
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg _FillValue byte -128
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg actual_range byte 9, 9
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg comment String QARTOD QC flag
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg intent String data_quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg ioos_category String quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg long_name String max_wave_height QARTOD Aggregate Flag
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg missing_value byte -128
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg references String (external link)
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg short_name String MWHQAG
attribute max_wave_height_qc_agg standard_name String aggregate_quality_flag
variable mean_wave_direction_qc   byte  
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc _FillValue byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc actual_range byte 0, 99
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc comment String original QC status_flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc flag_meanings String quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional off_station manually_flagged
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 60, 99
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc long_name String Mean Wave Direction QC
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc missing_value byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc short_name String MWDQC
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc standard_name String sea_surface_wave_from_direction status_flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc valid_range byte -127, 127
variable mean_wave_direction_qc_agg   byte  
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg _FillValue byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg actual_range byte 1, 9
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg comment String QARTOD QC flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg long_name String mean_wave_direction QARTOD Aggregate Flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg missing_value byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg references String (external link)
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg short_name String MWDQAG
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_agg standard_name String aggregate_quality_flag
variable mean_wave_direction_spread_qc   byte  
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc _FillValue byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc comment String original QC status_flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc flag_meanings String quality_good out_of_range sensor_non_functional off_station manually_flagged
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 60, 99
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc long_name String Mean Wave Direction Spread QC
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc missing_value byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc short_name String MWDSQC
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc valid_range byte -127, 127
variable mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg   byte  
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg _FillValue byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg actual_range byte 9, 9
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg comment String QARTOD QC flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modified time_processed
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg flag_values byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg long_name String mean_wave_direction_spread QARTOD Aggregate Flag
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg missing_value byte -128
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg references String (external link)
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg short_name String MWDSQAG
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_agg standard_name String aggregate_quality_flag
variable significant_wave_height_qc_tests   String  
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests comments String 14-character array with results of individual QARTOD tests. 1:Gap, 2:Syntax, 3:Location, 4:Gross Range, 5:Climatology, 6:Spike, 7:Rate of Change, 8:Flat-line, 9:Multi-variate, 10:Attenuated Signal, 11:Neighbor, 12:Associated variable, 13:Manual, 14:Other
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modifed
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests flag_values String 12349
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests intent String data_quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests ioos_category String quality
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests long_name String significant_wave_height QARTOD Individual Tests
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests short_name String SWHQTST
attribute significant_wave_height_qc_tests standard_name String quality_flag
variable dominant_wave_period_qc_tests   String  
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests comments String 14-character array with results of individual QARTOD tests. 1:Gap, 2:Syntax, 3:Location, 4:Gross Range, 5:Climatology, 6:Spike, 7:Rate of Change, 8:Flat-line, 9:Multi-variate, 10:Attenuated Signal, 11:Neighbor, 12:Associated variable, 13:Manual, 14:Other
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modifed
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests flag_values String 12349
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests intent String data_quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests ioos_category String quality
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests long_name String dominant_wave_period QARTOD Individual Tests
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests short_name String DWPQTST
attribute dominant_wave_period_qc_tests standard_name String quality_flag
variable max_wave_height_qc_tests   String  
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests comments String 14-character array with results of individual QARTOD tests. 1:Gap, 2:Syntax, 3:Location, 4:Gross Range, 5:Climatology, 6:Spike, 7:Rate of Change, 8:Flat-line, 9:Multi-variate, 10:Attenuated Signal, 11:Neighbor, 12:Associated variable, 13:Manual, 14:Other
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modifed
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests flag_values String 12349
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests intent String data_quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests ioos_category String quality
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests long_name String max_wave_height QARTOD Individual Tests
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests short_name String MWHQTST
attribute max_wave_height_qc_tests standard_name String quality_flag
variable mean_wave_direction_qc_tests   String  
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests comments String 14-character array with results of individual QARTOD tests. 1:Gap, 2:Syntax, 3:Location, 4:Gross Range, 5:Climatology, 6:Spike, 7:Rate of Change, 8:Flat-line, 9:Multi-variate, 10:Attenuated Signal, 11:Neighbor, 12:Associated variable, 13:Manual, 14:Other
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modifed
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests flag_values String 12349
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests long_name String mean_wave_direction QARTOD Individual Tests
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests short_name String MWDQTST
attribute mean_wave_direction_qc_tests standard_name String quality_flag
variable mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests   String  
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests comments String 14-character array with results of individual QARTOD tests. 1:Gap, 2:Syntax, 3:Location, 4:Gross Range, 5:Climatology, 6:Spike, 7:Rate of Change, 8:Flat-line, 9:Multi-variate, 10:Attenuated Signal, 11:Neighbor, 12:Associated variable, 13:Manual, 14:Other
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests coordinates String time depth lat lon station actual_time time_modifed
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests flag_meanings String PASS NOT_EVALUATED SUSPECT FAIL MISSING
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests flag_values String 12349
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests intent String data_quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests ioos_category String quality
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests long_name String mean_wave_direction_spread QARTOD Individual Tests
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests short_name String MWDSQTST
attribute mean_wave_direction_spread_qc_tests standard_name String quality_flag

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