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ERDDAP > Out-Of-Date Datasets

The outOfDate index is a simplistic measure of how out-of-date a dataset is: <0: unexpectedly from the future(!), <1: up-to-date, >=1: out-of-date, >=2: very out-of-date. For out-of-date datasets, there is presumably a problem with the data source, so ERDDAP is unable to access data from more recent time points.

69 matching datasets. This web page was generated at 2024-11-24T06:27:12Z .

outOfDate testOutOfDate maxTime datasetID title
███ 1432.5168 now-1day 2020-12-22T18:23:00Z nefsc_emolt_trawl_temp eMOLT Haul Bottom Temperature
███ 138.14024 now-1day 2024-07-09T03:07:12Z UNH_GBB UNH Great Bay Buoy
███ 97.49967 now-3days 2024-02-05T18:30:00Z NDBC_44069 NDBC 44069
███ 81.31675 now-3days 2024-03-25T07:40:00Z NDBC_44005 NDBC 44005
███ 29.594357 now-3days 2024-08-27T11:40:00Z NDBC_44018 NDBC 44018
███ 15.232041 now-3days 2024-10-09T13:45:00Z NDBC_NERRS_WEQM1_WQ NDBC NERRS WEQM1
███ 12.2910595 now-3days 2024-10-18T09:30:00Z NDBC_44008 NDBC 44008
███ 0.25847656 now-1day 2024-11-24T00:15:00Z ONSET_scituate_hourly_water_level Scituate Harbor, MA Tide Gauge
███ 0.23555967 now-1day 2024-11-24T00:48:00Z ONSET_hamptonbay_hourly_water_level Hampton Harbor, NH Tide Gauge
███ 0.15222552 now-1day 2024-11-24T02:48:00Z ONSET_gloucester_hourly_water_level Gloucester, MA Tide Gauge
███ 0.08268606 now-3days 2024-11-24T00:30:00Z NDBC_NERRS_WEBM1_WQ NDBC NERRS WEBM1
███ 0.05889128 now-1day 2024-11-24T05:02:24Z UNH_CML UNH Coastal Marine Laboratory
███ 0.05889128 now-1day 2024-11-24T05:02:24Z UNH_JEL UNH Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
███ 0.048891183 now-1day 2024-11-24T05:16:48Z UNH_WBD UNH Appledore Island CO2 Buoy
███ 0.02365809 now-3days 2024-11-24T04:45:00Z NDBC_NERRS_BGXN3 NDBC NERRS BGXN3
███ 0.02365809 now-3days 2024-11-24T04:45:00Z NDBC_NERRS_NAQR1_WQ NDBC NERRS NAQR1
███ 0.02365809 now-3days 2024-11-24T04:45:00Z NDBC_NERRS_NAXR1 NDBC NERRS NAXR1
███ 0.02365809 now-3days 2024-11-24T04:45:00Z NDBC_NERRS_WAXM3 NDBC NERRS WAXM3
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_44090 NDBC 44090
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_C-MAN_BUZM3 NDBC C-MAN BUZM3
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_C-MAN_DBLN6 NDBC C-MAN DBLN6
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_C-MAN_IOSN3 NDBC C-MAN IOSN3
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_C-MAN_MDRM1 NDBC C-MAN MDRM1
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_C-MAN_MISM1 NDBC C-MAN MISM1
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_NERRS_GBQN3_WQ NDBC NERRS GBQN3
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_NERRS_WAQM3_WQ NDBC NERRS WAQM3
███ 0.020185856 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:00:00Z NDBC_NERRS_WEXM1 NDBC NERRS WEXM1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_BLTM3 NDBC BLTM3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_BZBM3 NDBC BZBM3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_CASM1 NDBC CASM1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_CFWM1 NDBC CFWM1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_CHTM3 NDBC CHTM3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_CPTR1 NDBC CPTR1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_FOXR1 NDBC FOXR1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_FRVM3 NDBC FRVM3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_KPTN6 NDBC KPTN6
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_MTKN6 NDBC MTKN6
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_NBGM3 NDBC NBGM3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_NWHC3 NDBC NWHC3
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_PDVR1 NDBC PDVR1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_QPTR1 NDBC QPTR1
███ 0.016019177 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:18:00Z NDBC_SEIM1 NDBC SEIM1
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44007 NDBC 44007
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44011 NDBC 44011
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44013 NDBC 44013
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44020 NDBC 44020
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44025 NDBC 44025
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44027 NDBC 44027
███ 0.01324139 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:30:00Z NDBC_44065 NDBC 44065
███ 0.011852496 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:36:00Z NWLON_8461490 NWLON NLHC3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8413320 NWLON ATGM1
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8418150 NWLON CASM1
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8419870 NWLON SEIM1
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8443970 NWLON BHBM3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8447386 NWLON FRVM3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8447435 NWLON CHTM3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8447930 NWLON BZBM3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8449130 NWLON NTKM3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8452660 NWLON NWPR1
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8454000 NWLON FOXR1
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8465705 NWLON NWHC3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8467150 NWLON BRHC3
███ 0.010463603 now-3days 2024-11-24T05:42:00Z NWLON_8510560 NWLON MTKN6
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8410140 NWLON PSBM1
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8411060 NWLON CFWM1
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8447636 NWLON NBGM3
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8452944 NWLON CPTR1
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8454049 NWLON QPTR1
███ 0.0035191358 now-3days 2024-11-24T06:12:00Z NWLON_8518750 NWLON BATN6

This web page was generated at 2024-11-24T06:27:12Z .
This web page will refresh itself automatically every 15 minutes.


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ERDDAP, Version 2.24
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